Complaints Policy

At ORO Aesthetics, we are dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to our patients. However, we understand that you may experience concerns about the treatment and services that you receive. This Policy outlines the procedure for you to submit complaints and the process for addressing and resolving these issues.

Options available
We encourage you to follow these steps if you have any concerns:

1. Informal Discussion: Please feel free to raise your concerns informally with us initially. If you aren't happy with something that occurs before, during or after your treatment, please let us know what happened. Many issues can be resolved early on, through open communication.

If you feel uncomfortable calling us or discussing the issue during a consultation, we recommend sending a brief email, describing what happened and what concerns you have. You can email Dr Monica directly on: We will then call you to discuss your concerns or make an appointment to discuss your concerns.

2. Formal Complaint: If the issue remains unresolved or you would like a formal response, you can submit a formal written complaint. Complaints should be submitted in writing to

Process for formal complaints
Upon receiving a formal complaint, we will take the following steps:

1. Acknowledgement: we will acknowledge your complaint in writing, within five working days of receiving the complaint. The acknowledgement will:
a. confirm receipt of the complaint; and
b. identify any issues that need to be clarified.

2. Investigation: we will thoroughly investigate the complaint. This may involve gathering relevant information and interviewing relevant parties.

3. Response: After we have concluded the investigation, we will respond in writing to each of the issues that you raise in your complaint. Where appropriate, we will apologise for what has happened. We may also propose actions that we consider appropriate to resolve the complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, you have the option of taking the complaint for external review by:

- The Western Australian Health and Disability Services Complaints Office, which can be contacted on 1800 813 583;
- The Western Australian Consumer Affairs Service, which can be contacted on 1300 30 40 54; or
- The Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency, which can be contacted on 1300 419 495.

Privacy and Confidentiality
We will maintain your confidentiality in any complaints that we receive. We will only contact third parties who have information or advice relevant to the complaint and will not make any information available to third parties without your consent. Wherever possible, your and details will be kept confidential throughout any investigation.

A record of all complaints and their resolutions will be documented and maintained in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Our Privacy Policy can be found here.

Contact details
If you have any questions or concerns about this Complaints Policy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact Dr Monica at